Wednesday, July 27, 2011

And... I'm blogging.

Welp. I decided to start one of these bad boys up. Mostly because everybody's doing it... So why not be apart of the in-crowd :) So now everyone will get to know all of the fun things Mr. Pat and I do. I know I'm not technically a Rhoades yet. But don't worry. In 9 days, that'll all change. Yup, 9 days! That's single digits my friends, but who's counting?
So this week Pat and I spent our first Pioneer/Fiesta days together. I know it's only a Utah holiday, but it's my favorite one. Spanish Fork always has a parade to kick off the start of the 24th  (25th this year) and for the past few years my family and I have been in it, riding in the Cosmomobile. Pretty much I sit in the passenger seat and smile and wave while Cosmo (BYU's mascot) is outside walking/dancing around. It's a pretty sweet deal. As for Pat, he decided to stay home and sleep... Party pooper.
After the parade Pat came down and met me at the fair that goes on downtown. So we endured the 105 degree heat, ate overpriced fair food, watched Spanish Forks talent show, and ran into about a billion people we knew. Not too shabby of an afternoon.
Latter that night we went to the famous Spanish Fork Rodeo with our really good friend, Leah. The weather looked promising, kinda overcast, but it cooled everything down. So no complaints. As soon as we got to our seats, however. The rain broke lose. And pretty much never ended. 
So we stole some garbage bags from a concession stand and watched the whole thing sporting off our new black plastic dresses. It was fantastic! 

1 comment:

  1. yay for blogs! I love them. Mine is
