Thursday, January 12, 2012

Just a little update.

So, my last post was kind of a downer... Sorry about that. I was still pretty upset about having to go back to school after a lovely 3 week break. However, things are much better now and life is fantastic! Patrick and I are taking some pretty heavy classes, but there's a few in the mix that we really enjoy. Last semester we got lucky and worked the same shift (we're lucky enough to work for the same campus job), and got done with school at the same time, so we were pretty much connected at the hip. This semester, we didn't get so lucky. Pat works in the morning, and I work at night. So, we pretty much see each other when we wake up and when we go to bed. Thank goodness for weekends!
The hot hubbs and I during or little get away to San Francisco 

In other news. My New Years resolution has been to learn how to cook, like actually cook. Don't worry, Pat and I have been living off of mac & cheese, sandwiches, dinner from my parents house, or McDonalds. Yeah, pretty healthy huh? I guess my habits from eating when I was single have been harder to kick then I was hoping for. So, I'm putting all my cookbooks to use (you get TONS when you're married, it's great) and the lovely sights from Pinterest and cooking actual worth while meals. Last night we tried some honey-lime chicken enchiladas. Not going to lie, they were very tasty.

Picture from the recipe (Thank you Pinterest)

What I actually was able to make, not too shabby eh? 

So, if any of you feel loving and would like to give me some tips, or ideas for dinner... I won't be opposed to it :) Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday! ...How could you not knowing tomorrow if Friday?!

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